Kat’s Adventure Abroad, Part Two
From navigating a new city to meeting China's national hero of fashion, Kat's first week in Hong Kong is one to remember.
by Katherine Diaz Villegas
After months of preparation and planning, the date to leave Atlanta was fast approaching. Packing was a nightmare as I had to select only what I would really need and leave behind what I could live without. Making room for some school supplies, I made sure to have the basics for the first week of classes, but everything else I’d need can be found in Hong Kong )and the prices are sometimes cheaper than back home).

The weather in Hong Kong is tropical. From January to March, though it would be “winter,” it felt more like spring. I made sure to pack a range of light sweaters and summer clothes. You can walk pretty much everywhere and it does get a bit humid at times, so comfortable shoes and loose clothing are best. It was quite amusing seeing the locals in bulky winter coats that first week when it was only 50 degrees Fahrenheit and sunny outside while I was coming from snowstorms in Atlanta.
I chose to live at Gold Coast Residences, which was far from a residence hall and more like a resort. Right on the Pacific Coast beachfront, the private apartment-style dorms have incredible views of the ocean, making the 30-minute commute to SCAD completely worth it. It was nice to be away from the city too, as it could get a bit overwhelming at times.
SCAD Hong Kong is very similar to the Atlanta campus. It consists of one main building that was previously a magistracy — or courthouse. There are still jail cells on the lowest level of the building and a courtroom on another floor. The space is open, bright and well decorated of course. The school is located in what is known as the “fabric center” of Hong Kong, so as a fashion student I was ready to explore.
The first day after arriving was dedicated to orientation. We got a tour of the school, the surrounding area and how to survive until you found your way around. We also got our Octopus cards, which would become an amazing tool. Originally only for public transportation in the city, the cards can now also be used to pay at certain restaurants, grocery stores and even vending machines.

It was a bit intimidating, starting classes somewhere completely new, but that soon went away after the first few days. The professors and staff are so caring and helpful. They made me feel excited to start the quarter and begin my work. It also helped that during the first week a lot of events had been planned. The SCAD Hong Kong fashion show was a big one. I got to volunteer, help with the show and met Madame Guo Pei, whose work is currently being shown at SCAD Fash in Atlanta! An outing to the flower and bird market was another amazing trip. The food tour, however, was my favorite and lead to the discovery of amazing snacks and traditional plates to which I am now addicted. Needless to say, my first week was an incredible start to my time here.
Check back soon for another installment of “Kat’s Adventure Abroad.”