SCAD FASH’s ‘Unapologetic Lines’ explores the beauty of illustration and fashion

SCAD Atlanta’s SCAD FASH Museum of Fashion + Film just replaced its “Dressing for Dystopia” exhibition for a brand new type of fashion expression. The “Unapologetic Lines” installation opened on Sept. 14 and will run until Jan. 27, 2019.
Marc-Antoine Coulon presents a variety of defined line illustrations of fashion icons and brands. The medium used is ink on paper, with the addition of colored pencil and watercolor in select pieces. Coulon is commissioned and very involved with fashion events, like New York Fashion Week.
While moving through the exhibition, each new section transitions nicely to the next. Vogue Magazine’s section creates a nice palette of yellows with tints of blues and greens. Other fashion magazine covers and spreads that Coulon recreates include brands like Gucci and Chanel.
There are many recreations of famous photos as well, my favorite one being “Nina, Wild is the Wind.” Coulon’s illustrations offer a diverse selection of faces and backgrounds, all connected through the art of fashion and art — familiar faces include Ryan Gosling, Winona Ryder and Elizabeth Taylor.
One of the more interesting qualities of Coulon’s illustrations might be his way of creating an unfinished piece. One section in particular has four portraits of famous photographs and, the hair more than anything, consists of strong, unfinished lines. While all of the illustrations beckoned for attention, these especially stuck out. Tyler Judson, a second-year photography student said, “I thought it was cool to see fashion illustration in a different way. It wasn’t just garments, it features really awesome portraits of iconic fashion moments.”
For the more finished pieces, there is just as much to think about. In one portrait of David Beckham, Coulon uses colored pencil to color and detail his face in a realistic manner. This seems unconventional for the artist, as many of his pieces are either not colored or use subjective color. Nicole Igarashi, a second-year graphic design student said, “The exhibit had a beautifully simplistic style that was fun to look at, while comparing [the illustrations] to the original inspirations. I also loved how it got us talking about the different styles and celebrities and the overall work. Really enjoyed looking at it!”
This exhibition has much to offer and caters to more than just the illustration and fashion students. While it is a small showcase, spending more than 30 minutes in the gallery is easy to do. SCAD FASH is also a frequent study trip opportunity and can cater to many requirements for your courses this quarter.
The museum offers free admission for students, staff and faculty. General public tickets cost $10. Military and senior tickets are discounted at $8. You can learn more about family prices and discounts here. The museum is open every day except Monday, with shorter hours on Sunday and longer on Thursday. Take the elevator in the main building’s parking deck and press the button next to the label “SCAD FASH” — the elevator will take you directly to the museum’s main lobby.