Monday, April 22
Lunch and Burn
Noon-12:45 p.m., SCADfit
Earth Day Lunch-and-Learn
Noon-1:30 p.m., SCADpad
Total Body HIIT
1-2 p.m., SCADfit
CS3 Support Group meeting: LGBTQIA+
2 p.m., Room 115B
Study abroad info session
5 p.m., Room 259
Hatha Flow Yoga
5-5:55 p.m., SCADfit
Gentle Hatha Flow Yoga
6-7 p.m., SCADfit
Tuesday, April 23
CAS group advising: Resume and Portfolio Development
9-10 a.m., First floor Student Success Center
CAS group advising: Job and Internship Search Strategies
10-11 a.m., First floor Student Success Center
Practice Mindfulness
11-11:45 a.m., SCADfit
CAS group advising: Industry Exploration Discussion
11 a.m. – noon, First floor Student Success Center
CAS workshop: Enhance your creative brand
1:30 p.m., SCAD Sphere
Autism at Work Virtual Career Fair
3:30-6 p.m., email cbriggs@scad.edu for information
CAS workshop: Enhance your creative brand
4:30 p.m., SCAD Sphere
Delta Air Lines uniform redesign documentary and SCADpro talk
5 p.m., DMC Theater
Study abroad info session
5 p.m., Room 259
Gentle Hatha Flow Yoga
5-5:55 p.m., SCADfit
Hatha Flow Yoga
6-7 p.m., SCADfit
SPIN Cycle
6-7 p.m., SCADfit
SCADFILM presents La Nouvelle Vague: The Revolutionary Cinema of the French New Wave screening “Faces Places”
6:30 p.m., SCADshow
Student Organization Meeting: SCAD Animu
8-10 p.m., Room 318
Wednesday, April 24
CAS group advising: Resume and Portfolio Development
9-10 a.m., First floor Student Success Center
CAS group advising: Job and Internship Search Strategies
10-11 a.m., First floor Student Success Center
CAS group advising: Industry Exploration Discussion
11 a.m. – noon, First floor Student Success Center
Writers’ Studio walk-in hours
Noon-3 p.m., Writers’ Studio
Inspiring Radical Creativity Empowering Young, Diverse Voices to Tell Their Own Stories lecture with Gabby Rivera
6 p.m., SCADshow
Thursday, April 25
SPIN at dawn
7:15-8 a.m. and 8:15-9 a.m., SCADfit
RAD Session 1 (email atlfitness@scad.edu to register)
10 a.m. – noon, SCADfit
CS3 Support Group meeting: Women of Color
3 p.m., Room 115B
Cardio Blast
6-6:50 p.m., SCADfit
Student Organization Meeting: Illustration Club
7:30-8:30 p.m., Room 372
Student Organization Meeting: InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
8-9:30 p.m., Room 311
Friday, April 26
Practice Mindfulness
10-10:55 a.m., SCADfit
SCAN Magazine and The Connector meeting
11 a.m., ACA room 103
SPIN Cycle
1-1:45 p.m., SCADfit
Student Organization Meeting: SCAD Writers’ Circle
1-3 p.m., New York Room
CS3 Support Group meeting: Letting Go of Perfectionism
2 p.m., Room 115B
SCAD Atlanta Radio DJs meeting
2 p.m., ACA room 103
Friday SPIN Express
2-2:45 p.m., SCADfit
Advanced Pattern Making: Tailoring 2: Under-structure and trims – Women’s (RSVP to mrosenfe@scad.edu)
2-5 p.m., Room 415C
CAS workshop: Maximize your job search with the SCAD Job Portal
3 p.m., California Room
Student Organization Meeting: LGBT Community Club
3-4 p.m., Room 316
Student Organization Meeting: SCAD Atlanta Esports
3-5 p.m., DMC room 203
Student Organization Meeting: Believers’ LoveWorld Campus Ministry
4-6 p.m., Room 316
Student Organization Meeting: SCAD Furs
5-6:30 p.m., Room 312
SCAD40 WKND Block Party
6-8 p.m., Madison Square, Savannah
Student Organization Meeting: Theater Club
7-10 p.m., Spring House Magnolia Room
Student Organization Meeting: The Marksmen – A Drawing Club
10-10:45 p.m., Room 373
Saturday, April 27
Sidewalk Arts Festival
All day, Forsyth Park, Savannah
Student Organization Meeting: African Student Association
7:45-9 p.m. p.m., Room 365
Ongoing exhibitions
Trine Søndergaard: “Guldnakke,” SCAD FASH through July 28
“Kaleidoscope Katrantzou”: Mary Katrantzou, 10 Years in Fashion, SCAD FASH through – Sept. 22