Tuesday, Dec. 1
Perspective Drawing
10-11 a.m.
Join Fine Arts Coach Thomas Dang Vu for an informative workshop learning the fundamentals of linear perspective. Students will learn to identify space, distance, scale and vanishing points with 1, 2 and 3 point perspective.
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Empathy in Advertising — the New Way to do Business
10-11 a.m.
This workshop will be a lecture about certain large brands that have succeeded in using empathy as their business strategy.
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Symmetry for Character Design (Photoshop CC)
Noon-1 p.m.
Join Professor Rodecker to develop ideas for characters, designs, projects, and artworks using symmetry. In this workshop, students will learn how to harness the power of the symmetry tool in Photoshop for quickly generating visual ideas! This workshop is for beginners, intermediate, and advanced creatives. We start with a basic overview of the amazing tools being taught using Photoshop, and we will end up with some awesome symmetrical and a-symmetrical designs.
Click here to register
Wednesday, Dec. 2
Business Model Ideation
Noon-1 p.m.
In this workshop participants learn how to use the business model canvas to quickly iterate new business ideas and methods to validate or invalidate aspects of a business idea. The canvas consists of nine building blocks including: value propositions, customer segments, customer relationships, channels, revenue streams, key partners, key activities, key resources, and cost structure.
Click here to register
Introduction to Charcoal Drawing Part One (Material Introduction)
3-4 p.m.
Join Fine Arts Coach Thomas Dang Vu to learn why charcoal drawing is one of the oldest drawing media and the foundation of all fine arts. Students will learn how to use and understand different types of charcoals and use it in the accurate order; from paper, choices to brand, and various types of charcoal.
Click here to register
Thursday, Dec. 3
How to Stand Out in the Crowd While Job Hunting
10-11 a.m.
OK, we know you’ve got talent, but that person next to you is pretty great too! Skill isn’t always enough to get an interview and land your dream gig. Whether you’re applying for a job or simply networking, this workshop will help you define strategical advantages to making memorable connections.
Click here to register
Laser Cutter Certification Demonstration
Noon-1 p.m.
Students will learn the difference between raster engraving and vector cutting and how to set Rhino or Illustrator files to achieve their desired results. Multiple examples of laser processed materials will be shown. Materials, submission requirements, and processing times will be covered. After completing the demonstration and signing the processing agreement, students will be certified to use the laser cutter.
Click here to register
Introduction to Charcoal Drawing Part Two
3-4 p.m.
Traditional drawing style can be defined as drawing from personal observations of still life. Create shapes by measuring precisely, and define forms with shading, shadows, and light. Join Fine Arts Coach Thomas Dang Vu to learn how to construct still life drawings using charcoal to ensure the subject matter is rendered as accurately as possible.
Click here to register
Friday, Dec. 4
Drawing on Toned Papers
10-11 a.m.
Join Fine Arts Coach Thomas Dang Vu to learn how to use toned papers as a midtone (Tan and Grey) adding white and black charcoal to create values and define forms, highlights, and shadows.
Click here to register
Iteration: Tools for Rapid (Interior) Design Brainstorming
Noon-1 p.m.
It’s the worst: You started with a great design idea, but now you’ve got the dreaded “designers block.” What do you do? Pablo Picasso said, “Inspiration Exists, but it has to find you working.” This workshop will give you some tips and tricks to get to work and generate quick, viable design options! Join Professor Schafer for this fun workshop!
Click here to register
Rest(less): on Presenting Work for Curation & Exhibition
3-4 p.m.
Associate Chair of Photography, Michael O’Brien, will lead a conversation with several SCAD alumni and current students included in Rest(less) – the 2020 SCAD photography exhibition which runs online until 12/31/2020 – about making work and the process of presenting work for curation & exhibition.
Click here to register
CLO 3D design software Master Class (Part 1)
3-4:30 p.m.
Designer Christina Yother shares her strategies and techniques with using CLO 3D design software for fashion design. Christina graduated from SCAD in 2017 and is currently an Associate Designer with Carters, Inc. Open to all students in all locations.
Click here to attend