The Connector
The Connector

Lillian-Yvonne Bertram’s poem, “Zombie Nightmare,” might be more relevant this year than when it was published. 

Bertram’s poem is a beautiful yet horrifying account of a zombie attack. The “zombies” Bertram speaks about people who follow the government, in this case, the President. The resistance is the younger generation speaking up. In today’s climate resistance comes in many forms’ mom groups, teen groups, any supporter of Black Lives matter, but especially artists.  

Artists and their art are a direct reflection of the world around us. Photographers are taking pictures of rallies, painters are memorizing victims, and writers like Bertram are writing for change. Artists like Bertram prove how artists can affect the public. Even if you are still learning to improve your skills at SCAD, there will always be a place for new thinkers.  

Bertman writes, “Zombies move among us or we move among them and smash their heads at convenient moments and continue down the 
street for coffee, breads, and jams.” Poetry can be taken many different ways, but for college students this line hits a little closer to home. As a student you face many new challenges. Being away from home, new friends, and new experiences but there are some things that try to stray you from your path at school. 

In the new Zoom reality inspiration and creativity may be hard to find as an art student, but schools like SCAD are still finding ways to engage. Whether it’s inviting professionals, or still making online yearly events (for example: the Savannah Film Festival), they are here to help.