The Connector
The Connector

The Lunar New Year is a holiday that initials the first new moon of the lunisolar calendar. This is the same calendar that is traditionally used in some Asian countries including China, Vietnam, Singapore and South Korea. This holiday is also commemorated with food, parties and decorations. For many Atlanta residents, there’s a trammel on their ability to travel to these countries, however, Atlantic Station brought the celebration to Midtown for everyone to enjoy.

Subsequently, these decorations offer a vast opportunity to test one’s photography skills and creative direction and of course, a fellow SCAD Bee embarked upon the challenge.

Photo by Ilijah Simpson.

All images were taken at Atlantic Station.

Photo By Ilijah Simpson.

“The green” area in Atlantic Station is known to feature holiday decorations for major holidays, however this is one of the few holidays in which guests can have a cultural-enriching experience with the glowing lanterns and steam flowing through the congregation area. What’s very important to note is that this is the only designated area to take professional photography, so if you’d like to experience a concept like this one, you can do it worry free.

Models featured:




To see more of Ilijah’s photography, you may visit his Instagram.

John Warner

John Warner

Assistant Photo Editor