The Connector
The Connector

scad student

Filmmaker watchlist: Sean Lally

Photo by Sean Lally. Who is Sean Lally and what kind of impact is he making? Sean Lally is a passionate and hard-working kind-soul, that enjoys the art of filmmaking.
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Artist of the week: Allen Jaion Powell

The "Artist of the week" segment serves subsequently to the "Photographer of the week series." This series entails artists beyond the industry of photography and touches on multiple art forms
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Writer’s Corner: poetry by Chloé Allyn

The Writer’s Corner features poetry, essays, short stories, satire and various fiction and non-fiction from SCAD Atlanta students. To submit your own work for the Writer’s Corner, email "Dispatches" by Chloé
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FORTY residence hall tour

Looking for a residence hall to stay in for your time at SCAD can feel like a guessing game if you haven't taken a physical tour or if you haven't
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