The Connector
The Connector

Don’t get me wrong, Etsy is a fantastic place to find unique handcrafted, customized accessories and decorations. There are millions of artisans and sellers from around the world where you’re sure to find something very special.

But in some cases, the item you order may be … too handcrafted. If you’re an unexperienced Etsy buyer, do read the reviews and take note of how many purchases that seller has had!

Here is the picture that will spoil this whole story.

It was my first time purchasing jewelry tailored to my likes, I completely forgot to do some research and just fell in love with the image I saw.

Before heading to Etsy, I saw all those resin, clay and ceramic rings trending on TikTok. I had a bag full of those types of rings years ago and I suddenly had the urge to look for it. But I didn’t find it, so I took a TikTok user’s advice and decided to get one on Etsy.

After browsing two pages, I found the perfect two-toned checkered ring in pink and red. What I didn’t process was its price —nine dollars — and its claim to be personalized. As unexperienced as one can be, I didn’t even check the reviews, the number of purchases or even where it was coming from. After I made my payment, I just thought of the many ways to style it and went into my email to review my purchase. To my surprise, it was coming from London! How crazy was that! I thought it had to be good.

Two weeks went by, I finally receive it. As soon as I opened the mailer and saw the packaging, I had a really bad feeling. When I saw the ring, I wanted to cry. It was huge, it didn’t even fit my big finger.

The worst part was that it wasn’t even ceramic. It was pure clay, had dirty spots and the colors weren’t separated enough and it made the checker effect fade at times. It truly felt like a toddler made it.

If this sounds like a product review, it’s because it is! Although I will not give the seller’s name, I did add a few pictures for your enjoyment.

My point is: I want you to remember this article before you make an unexperienced purchase of an item anywhere on the Internet (but especially Etsy!)