The artist that created this magical piece is H.E. Kelley, a fourth-year illustration major. Kelley is another avid D&D player and her creativity really shines through in her character creation for the roleplaying game.
The character illustrated is Nemira Veldora, a tiefling druid descended from a chaotic deity of bad luck named Beshaba. Her family runs a temple to the Goddess of Luck in the snowy mountains in hopes of redeeming their bloodline and offset the bad luck from their ancestor.
D&D was an important part in Kelley’s strive to be motivated during quarantine. It was a way for her to connect to friends from a distance and an outlet for her to showcase the creative skills she learned during her time at SCAD. She applied assets of world-building, character creation and story-telling through the game and let her talent shine through.