On Site: Discovering George Trakas’ Source Route
Friday, April 30, 9-11 a.m.
Centering around discussions of the phenomenological and psychological experiences of installation art, Dr. Webb will lead a tour of George Trakas’ 1979 site. Click here to register.
The Ins and Outs of a Gallery Manager
Friday, April 30, 10-11 a.m.
Join painting alum Colleen Critcher as she leads a discussion of the ins and outs and dos and don’ts of working with galleries. Click here to register.
Generations: Millennials & GenZ
Friday, April 30, 10 a.m. – noon
Join professor Judy Salzinger to learn about the characteristics of each generation from the Silent Generation up to Millennials. We will discuss how and why the generations behave the way they do, and how it affects their decision. Click here to register.
Kick into High Gear: The Porsche Experience
Friday, April 30, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Draw inspiration from the iconic tradition of Porsche design. Pro Car Sketch founder, Rod Camus, and Porsche Experience Design staff will have two Porsche cars on campus as part of a rendering workshop for students to learn how to render “car portraits” in traditional and digital media. Supplies needed by participants: Markers, paper, easels. Click here to register.
Atlanta Public Art Walking Tour – Beltline Trail
Friday, April 30, 1-3 p.m.
Public art not only raises awareness of social and political issues, but also beautifies public locations, and its artists have been progressively more recognized and valued in the art industry. Professional artists receive grants and fellowships for their works and the exposure can propel their careers forward, such as famed American contemporary public artist, graphic designer and illustrator Shepard Fairey and SCAD alum, Brandon Sadler, whose works have been featured in the film Black Panther and the exhibition, Ruth E. Carter: Afrofuturism in Costume Design currently on display at SCAD FASH. Join professor Navin Norling for a walking tour of the Beltline Trail. The walk will be about one mile making frequent stops at sites. Wear comfortable shoes, bring headphones or ear buds, and be prepared to log onto Zoom to hear ALL the commentary. Bus will leave at 1 p.m. – JOIN VIRTUALLY via ZOOM at 1:30 p.m.! Click here to register.
Defining the Human Figure through Shadow Shapes
Friday, April 30, 1-3 p.m.
Learn about life drawing and how to focus on seeing shape rather than detail through personalized instruction. Applicable for students in all majors – especially for students majoring in fine arts, animation and sequential arts. Supplies needed by participants: Newsprint Pad (12X16, 18X24 or 24X36), measuring stick, conte crayon (or willow charcoals/charcoal pencils), kneaded rubber erasers, and white erasers. Click here to register.
Producing Form Walls for Casting
Friday, April 30, 1-3 p.m.
Join professor Chris Rothermel to learn how to produce simple reusable, adjustable form walls for the casting of materials like plaster and any other liquid to solid material. Supplies needed by participants: safety equipment for eyes and ears (if on ground). If virtually, note taking will be necessary. Click here to register.
Knitting Workshop
Friday, April 30, 4-6 p.m.
In this hands on workshop, students will learn how to do basic knitting stitches and will examine which kinds of yarns and needles are best suited for certain projects. Supplies needed by participants: yarn and knitting needles. Click here to register.
Iteration: Tools for Rapid (Interior) Design Brainstorming
Friday, April 30, 4-6 p.m.
You started with a great design idea, but now you’ve got the dreaded designers block. What do you do? This workshop will give you some tips and tricks to get to work and generate quick, viable design options! Join professor Challie Schafer for this fun workshop! Click here to register.
Making the Mood: The Fundamentals of Art Direction for Animation, Games, and Motion Media
Saturday, May 1, 1-3 p.m.
Award-winning short film director and animator Matthew Maloney will demonstrate how to properly create industry standard mood boards, dispelling myths and correcting common mistakes found in the visual design stages of animation, motion, and game design. Click here to register.
Path to the Pros – Unique Paths to a Career in Photography
Saturday, May 1, 1-3 p.m.
Students will explore unique approaches to student projects that have led to professional careers and the various avenues available to the professional photographer. Professor Sandra Phipps will be in discussion with SCAD alums engaging with ideas of how student work experience evolved into professional practices after graduation. Supplies needed by participants: Lightroom and Photoshop, Optional: personal files of lumen prints. Click here to register.
Design of Dissent
Saturday, May 1, 4-6 p.m.
Designers have given visual voice to movements for change throughout our history. Explore some of the best protest posters of the past and present and then take a turn at igniting change by designing your own. Supplies needed by participants: pencil/pen and paper for sketching, Mac computer and access to Adobe Creative Suite. Click here to register.