The Connector
The Connector
Image from Canva.

One of the top five things that will make you successful in the fashion industry is working in retail. Retail is often looked down upon as manual labor for minimum wage, but I have gotten so much out of my job. Obviously, there are days when I don’t want to work and I am exhausted, but for the most part, it is an experience I would not trade away.

Customer interaction

The number one thing I have learned through my experience is how to interact with customers. When you see an increase in the amount a person buys only because of how you made them feel and what options you picked out for them, you feel the importance of customer service. How does this translate to the fashion industry? If you want to work as a stylist, it is important to see how the client is feeling and what type of outfits they are willing to wear. You must push them just enough to try something new without overwhelming them. It is also important because it helps you network. Networking is important in any industry, if you do not have any connections in fashion, it is the only way to meet and connect with new people. Retail allows you to step outside your comfort zone and start conversations with complete strangers at the risk of getting rejected. There have been plenty of instances when a customer wanted nothing to do with me and did not want to talk, but there have also been times when I have learned about a customer’s entire life and became friends

The power of merchandising

I am a fashion marketing and management student, so before working in retail, I had only ever studied merchandising. But when you’re working on the floor, you see how powerful it is. One well-dressed trendy mannequin can cause you to sell out of shirts when a week prior, they were not selling at all. An intelligently designed jewelry case that matches the clothes surrounding it can allow for an increase in the units sold. It is so interesting to see how much a store’s setup can influence the way a person shops. This is incredibly important in the fashion industry because you need to set up companies, stores, photoshoots and so much more in a way that yields the greatest number of sales. The best way to get better at merchandising is through doing it and making mistakes. This has helped me way more than reading textbooks about it.

A step in the ladder to work in corporate

Another reason to work in retail while you are in college and school is that it helps you move up the ladder when applying to corporate jobs. When speaking to other professionals who have worked in the industry, I have learned that many large fashion companies will require you to work in their retail stores first, before working on the corporate side of the company. If you already work in the retail sector before you graduate, you are one step ahead at pursuing a corporate position.

The retail experience also teaches you patience and allows for a strong work ethic. I do not understand when people diminish retail and call it easy. You are on your feet for 4-8 hours straight, you must help customers who can be extremely rude and you have to keep a positive attitude throughout all of it. I am so lucky to be working in this sector because the knowledge I gain is truly invaluable.

Tags : Fashion