The Connector
The Connector

SCAD Atlanta is now offering free COVID-19 testing on campus (PCR and Rapid Antigen tests). They’re located next to/ behind the parking deck before the tunnels in a testing trailer. Testing is open to all students at SCAD. However, if a student has not been vaccinated or isn’t fully vaccinated as yet, they must undergo weekly testing at this specific testing site in order to enter school buildings and use school transportation.

Appointments aren’t necessary. Walk-in tests will be administered from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. each Friday, Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday, with results provided in less that 30 minutes. The test results will be sent to your SCAD e-mail, and recorded by the school.

Please note that COVID-19 tests taken elsewhere will not be accepted.

For additional information on the univesity’s COVID-19 protocols and daily case numbers, visit If students have any questions, please direct them to the SCAD Atlanta dean of students at