The Connector
The Connector
Graphic by Rai Mukherjee.

“Sex and the City” solidified the need for incredible fashion on TV. This show lets us in on the fabulous, fashionable, and sexy lives of Manhattan women. It romanticized New York for us and dealt with topics that were previously taboo. Every fashion lover has a soft spot for this show, whether or not they watched it in its entirety.

This show is set to come back for a 10 episode reboot and it will be titled “Just Like That.” All the characters are returning besides Kim Cattrell, who played the fan-favorite Samantha and will be airing on HBO Max starting Dec. 9.

The show is now two decades old but still stays quite relevant to us. In an interview with Vogue, Sara Jessica Parker, who plays the lead Carrie, said, “I think young women still really relate to this story. It’s about finding friendships that matter, looking for work that fulfills you, and pursuing love, even when it drags you, bloodied, down the street.” The show tackled racy topics and showed us scenes we were not usually used to seeing on TV. Parker added in vogue that “there’s still a lot of sex in this version of ‘Sex and the City.'”

Deadline reported “The show will follow Carrie, Miranda and Charlotte “as they navigate the journey from the complicated reality of life and friendship in their 30s to the even more complicated reality of life and friendship in their 50s.” I think the show will be very interesting to see because we rarely get to see how the lives of iconic characters pan out over multiple decades. These women have really been through it and I want to see how they are handling their chaotic lives in their 50s. I am also excited to see how their kids play a role in their lives now since most of them are in their late teens and early 20s.

People reported that Darren Star, the creator of “Sex and the City,” will not be returning, but replaced by Michael Patrick King, the show-runner of the original series as well as the writer and director of the two spinoff films.

As a huge fan of the show, I am excited to see what this show will be like. Not only do we get to see their later years, but we will also get to see some incredible fashion.