The Connector
The Connector

The Writer’s Corner features poetry, essays, short stories, satire and various fiction and non-fiction from SCAD Atlanta students. To submit your own work for the Writer’s Corner, email

“More” by Jade G.

Walking the halls doing a little dance

when you see a young woman laughing

at you

Closing out a theater for your team

when you realize she made a mistake

and you both run

cleaning bins of food and plates

cleaning theaters and chairs

laughing together

In the parking lot behind the theater

you stop and talk on asphalt hot with

puddles shining

In your car and in your apartment as

the tv plays you kiss so hard, so hard

and teeth

She flies away to Chile and you

talk almost every day, and this 

tiny thing begins to grow.

And what’s funny—

neither of you wanted 


I am Queer and Free and Pointed

My heart is a space where I keep

Lots of room to grow and run

Like a child and a puppy and a bird

Of prey, osprey, seahawk, falcon, crest

-ing the waves of my ocean

Bright shining sun and salt

Stinging my face with kisses


Dancing with words and body


Scaling the walls with my crows and rats

As we seek the fauna of warmer climes

Across the endless dreams of life

I am Queer and Free and Pointed


Hailey I’m breaking our friendship off

Because you made me feel uncomfortable

when I tried to eat dinner with

you and your friends and

because you were not kind enough and

because you have not been

as good a friend

as I hoped and

because I am not involved

enough in your life

which tells me

that I am not

in a healthy place

to be friends and

because you are dead

and I want the pain to stop.