The Connector
The Connector

On February 11th, SCAD students and faculty gathered in the print studio to trade and collect pieces from their peers. Read on to see some of their sweet treats.

‘Death’s Laugh’

Emily Prescott, Senior
Major: 2D Animation
Instagram: @esperec.anim

‘The Kiss’

Rodrigo Perez Gonzalez, Junior
Major: Sculpture
Instagram: @pergon_rodrigo

‘The Trouble Maker’

Zelia Zhou, Graduate Student
Major: Fine Art Photography

‘Scratches on a plane’

Lauryn Phillips, Junior
Major: Commercial Photography
Minor: Printmaking

Left: ‘Miniska, do you have comment?’
Right: ‘Funny Bone’

Chloe Linscomb, Senior
Major: 2D Animation
Instagram: @chlo.poke


Ian Mosley, Senior
Major: Fine Art Photography
Instagram: @iansi.d.e.a

‘Dirty Martini’

Hannah Hufman, Junior
Major: Commercial Photography
Instagram: @Han_Hufart


Lia Manfredi, Junior
Major: Commercial Photography
Instagram: @bylialexi


Wei Zhang, Graduate Student
Major: Painting
Instagram: @papupart

‘Behind Every Disaster is a Cat Dancing Away’

Caroline Perkins, Freshman
Major: Documentary/Commercial Photo
Instagram: @carolinesart.jpg

‘Glitch Bucket’

Robert Brown, Print Professor
Instagram: @scadatlprintclub

Zelia Zhou wins piece by Professor Robert Brown.

Emily Prescott presents her artist statement before announcing the winner of the piece.

Lia Manfredi shares her print’s artist’s statement and details.

Chloe Linscomb draws for a print from Hannah Hufman.

To join the next print exchange, keep a close eye on the Atlanta Printmaking Club Instagram. They happen quarterly and all you need is work to trade.

Eva Erhardt
Eva Erhardt is a fourth-year writing and film student, born and raised in sunny Florida. Holding a passion for anything creative, Eva loves to spend her time writing, reading, and crocheting.