The Connector
The Connector

The “Photographer of the Week” series is dedicated to highlighting photographers within the SCAD community that demonstrate unique abilities behind the lens. This week, Ashley Trawiński, a senior commercial Photography student, shares her recent projects and personal insight.

What or who helped you develop an interest in being a photographer and what significance does photography hold for you? 

I’ve always been into art ever since I was a kid, I always knew that one day my career will be involved in the creative field. Now, here I am, a senior at SCAD finishing up my Commercial Photography degree with one more quarter to go! During my early teenage years, I was given my first Canon camera, ever since then I knew that photography would be the creative field I wanted to pursue as my career. Photography is what I feel most comfortable and passionate about, it has become a part of who I am as a creative person.

Do you have a muse? If so, who, and or what is it? 

Quite honestly I have many! I can’t choose just one because my inspiration changes depending on the project I am working on. But some of my predominant muses are photographers: Pari Dukovic, Lindsay Adler, Charlie Rutherford, and Kelia Anne McCluskey. What is your overall creative process per project?

Do you like to follow the common steps of photographing or is there something more unique to the way you work? 

Before every project, I always look for inspiration such as lighting, poses, color palette etc. Those are the three main aspects I focus on before my photo shoot. Pinterest is my best friend when it comes to finding inspiration! For all my projects I usually create a mood board that includes the three aspects that I mentioned above. Referring to my mood board during my photoshoots keeps me on track and organized, however, I also allow myself to go with the flow and if I capture something special in the moment of the photoshoot I allow myself that flexibility. Being open to new ideas that happen spontaneously is also important.

What impact do you want to have within the industry? 

I want to leave a mark, to become a well-known photographer. That is my goal and I will work hard to achieve that recognition throughout my career. With my photographs, I continually strive to make a connection with the viewer by either evoking an emotional response, triggering a memory, or generating a desire to purchase a product. Creating photography for a purpose.

What challenges have you faced in your creative journey? 

One of the challenges I have faced is finding the balance between learning everything that I am being taught here and applying it to the practical world of commercial photography. Combining academics with hands-on real-life experiences. Both are excellent ways of learning but both are needed. A lot of aspects of photography I taught myself or by asking additional questions from my professors. Never be afraid to stand up for what you believe in and you should be learning and asking tons of questions!

Is there any advice you’d like to leave for other photographers or SCAD students? 

Believe in yourself and your work. Attending SCAD is already an accomplishment, people in the creative industry know SCAD and they know what kind of artists come out of this school. Be proud of what you have accomplished and remember that one’s opinion about your work will be very different from another person’s. Be open-minded to the different critiques you will receive about your work, what’s most important is how you feel about your projects and what matters to you. At the end of the day, it is your name on the photos you create. Own it and be proud.

To see more of Trawiński’s work, you may visit her portfolio and or Instagram.

John Warner

John Warner

Assistant Photo Editor