The “Photographer of the Week” series is dedicated to highlighting photographers within the SCAD community that demonstrate unique abilities behind the lens. This week, Lucas Tam, a junior photography student, shares his recent projects and personal insight.
What or who helped you develop an interest in being a photographer and what significance does photography hold for you?
My older brother was my initial inspiration to start photography. The ability to capture moments creating memories is super important to me.
Do you have a muse? If so, who, and or what is it?
My current inspirations include Dino Kužnik, Catherine Delattre, Matthew Jones, just to name a few.
What is your overall creative process per project? Do you like to follow the common steps of photographing or is there something more unique to the way you work?
I would do a little research on the specific project I’m working on. Brainstorm ideas such as color grading, lighting, props, etc with the person I’m working with. Sometimes I would go through inspirations I’ve saved from Instagram/Behance too. My creative process differs depending on projects but its more or less like what I mentioned.

What impact do you want to have within the industry?
I would like to be able to share my creative process and ideas while keeping originality.
What challenges have you faced in your creative journey?
I think the biggest challenge that I faced was finding my true editing style. I would try to fit into different styles of photography whether it’s contrast, color or brightness where I would lose consistency.
Is there any advice you’d like to leave for other photographers or SCAD students?
Don’t force yourself to photograph things because its cool, comparison destroys personalities.
To see more of Tam’s work, you may visit his website.