The Connector
The Connector

Claire Davis is a first-year BFA Illustration student at SCAD Atlanta hailing from Los Angeles, California. She aims to work in concept design for video games and animation, gravitating toward illustrating robots and keeping her work within the genres of sci-fi and surrealism by creating new, interesting worlds and characters that tell a story. As an artist, Davis’ goal is to simply have as much fun as possible and she hopes that viewers of her art are intrigued and entertained when viewing her work.

“Boy Mechanica,” Illustrated by Claire Davis, 2021.

In “Boy Mechanica,” Davis illustrates the main character of her own original story, a boy who is a mix of natural human anatomy and robotics, with the intent to explore movement and dramatic motion in the piece. Davis wanted to portray the boy as if she caught him in the middle of a fall. Using a primarily blue color palette, she was able to capture the moment in a way that makes the piece somewhat sad, yet calming.

“Talos vs. the Argonauts,” Illustrated by Claire Davis, 2022.

Three characters fighting a beast, “Talos vs. the Argonauts” is Davis’ interpretation of the ancient Greek myth of the same name, which originally featured a bronze giant with a sword made for protection. “I wanted to try my hand at designing a different character than the original story to add my own twist on the ancient tale,” Davis has said about the piece, “I wanted to create a specific tone to convey the story.”

“Fluid,” Illustrated by Claire Davis, 2021.

Featuring a man swimming with a hammerhead shark, Davis created “Fluid” to practice her anatomy skills, especially anatomy in movement. She aimed to give off a peaceful and calm scene that had underlying creepy and surreal elements made to almost blend into the other details unless the viewer looked close enough. 

“Eight Ball,” Illustrated by Claire Davis, 2021.

Have you ever tried to convey a whole personality of a character in a single image? Davis achieves this goal with “Eight Ball,” where she designed a character meant to look interesting through his visual juxtapositions. While the character himself looks nonchalant and relaxed in his portrait, a chaotic background was illustrated to highlight the contrast in his cold personality.

Bold colors, interesting compositions and intricate linework are Davis’ clear strengths and if you want to see more of her fun artwork, you can check out her Instagram @clairedavisillu.