The Connector
The Connector

Minutes from downtown Atlanta lies Sweetwater Creek State Park — strikingly serene and surrounded by miles of robust forest. The park is home to George Sparks Reservoir and the ruins of the New Manchester Manufacturing Company, a textile mill burned during the Civil War. The park’s 2,549 acres offer a plethora of activities, including fishing, hiking, boating, camping, paddle boarding and many photo opportunities, of course. 

Photos Courtesy of Alita Swanson.

The park offers three different hiking trails, and the one pictured above is the red trail that leads to what’s left of the New Manchester Manufacturing Company. You may recognize the mills from the Hunger Games: Mockingjay scene where Katniss and Gale are pictured together sitting by the river.

Photos Courtesy of Alita Swanson.

Photo ops lie everywhere in the park, especially this time of the year when the flowers are blooming, and the sun is making a more consistent appearance, allowing for dips in the river. Unfortunately, most of the river is stagnant, but near the mill is a class-four river rapid with an island in the middle, attracting many eager swimmers. In addition, the sunshine brings out animals who call Sweetwater Creek home, including rattlesnakes and other wildlife to be aware of when getting the perfect shot. All this being said, Sweetwater Creek is truly a gem for all things outdoor activities and photoshoots.