Illustration by Nick Spearman. Illustration by Krista Knudsten. Illustration by Mika Pshemish. Illustration by Moira Zhang. Illustration by Kate Lowe.
Illustration by Mrighankhi Nagaraj.Illustration by Mrighankhi NagarajIllustration by Mrighankhi Nagaraj
llustration by Kate Lowe. llustration by Krista Knudsten. Illustration by Kire Torres. Illustration by Dax Willette.
Illustration by Kate Lowe. Illustration by Kire Torres. Illustration by Krista Knudtsen. Illustration by Megan Cockcroft.
Fiona Kelly is a second-year fashion student from Miami who recreates designers' silhouettes, movements and surfaces through illustration. Kelly draws her inspiration from all aspects of the environment around her,