Monday, March 11
Mindfulness session
11 a.m., SCADfit
iDO Interior Design organization meeting
7:30 p.m., Georgia Room
Tuesday, March 12
Mindfulness session
11 a.m., SCADfit
Drawing and Design Center tutoring hours
7:45-9:15 p.m., 4C and 319
SCAD Kings & Queens student organization meeting
8-9 p.m., Room 254
SCAD Animu student organization meeting
8-10 p.m., Room 318
Momentum student organization meeting
8-10 p.m., Location TBD
Wednesday, March 13
Mindfulness session
11 a.m., SCADfit
Drawing and Design Center tutoring hours
7:45-9:15 p.m., 4C and 319
Vegan Club student organization meeting
8-9:30 p.m., Room 370
Thursday, March 14
Last day of winter quarter classes
SCAD Atlanta Illustration Club meeting
7:30-8:30 p.m., Room 372
SCAD InterVarsity Christian Fellowship meeting
8-9:30 p.m., Room 311
Friday, March 15
Believers’ LoveWorld Campus Ministry
4-6 p.m., New York Room
Residence halls close for students not returning for spring quarter
5 p.m., Spring House and ACA House
Legacy Series presents “On the Waterfront”
7 p.m., SCADshow
Theater Club meeting
7-10 p.m., Spring House Magnolia Room
Saturday, March 16
Men’s and Women’s Tennis vs. Milligan College
11 a.m., Bitsy Grant Tennis Center
Ongoing exhibitions
Charles A. McCullers and Cecilia A. Montalvo thesis exhibition “Where the Light Enters,” Trois Gallery through March 15
Trine Søndergaard: “Guldnakke,” SCAD FASH, through July 28