The Connector
The Connector

With Valentine’s Day right on our heel, the pressure of deciding what to buy for your partner continues to build. To help you out, we’ve gathered a few recommendations from the student body.

Catalina Cano, a third-year writing student said, “I’m going to support my boyfriend’s personal endeavors. I bought him a bartending kit to entertain his so-called ‘bartending skills’ and a pestle and mortar for his ‘culinary ones.'”

Chloé Allyn, a fourth year writing student said “Exchanging a literal sentiment with my boyfriend is special, although he’s much better at it. A gift to me is something that shows you think of them, you want to please them and that they are loved.” Allyn continues, “This year I scheduled a nice dinner reservation at Agave and purchased a massage, partially because I know he loves to relax and also because my back has been hurting lately!”

Zipporah Dorsey, a third-year writing student said, “Something I would give my partner would be dedicating the whole day to them, because despite being a busy person, I would cancel everything for them.”

Here are just a few examples of what works for these couples, if you’ve got a different idea of how to express love — do it. Love is love is love.