The Entrepreneur of the week series is dedicated to showcasing the community of entrepreneurs and creatives within the SCAD province. This week, Hannah Harris, a 3rd year business of beauty and fragrance major sheds light on her business Brown Girl Hands.

What is @browngirlhands and what kind of impact is it making?
Brown Girl Hands is an inclusive product photography studio. We focus on the niche sector of beauty products and the hands holding them. Black hands have long been left out of the equation and we prove that Black hands are beautiful and aesthetic too.
What inspired you to start showcasing the aesthetic you created?
I read an article entitled, “Where are all the Brown Hands?” by Jessica Defino which really inspired me to create the account. The aesthetic itself is drawn from my own personal aesthetic which tends to be very minimal and light.
What would you say is your strongest work so far/ what was it like to create it? (Photography if it applies/ brand deals)
I definitely think my favorite series of photos I did was for jewelry brand J.Hannah. I adorned my hands with pearls going down the fingers which made it feel very regal and I loved the neutral color palette—it just felt like me.
Do you credit anyone as an inspiration for your work?
I save a lot of different photographers on Instagram, @karenrosalie and @byupclose are two of my favorites.
If your camera could describe you, what type of person would it say you are?
I’m the type of person that always looks towards the light.
What current platforms are your design concepts on?
Just Instagram for now! And wherever my clients use them which sometimes includes websites, emails, etc.
What project(s) are you currently working/ what can people look forward to experiencing?
I just finished a Black History Month series with Benefit Cosmetics and I am shooting some new beauty launches coming out soon.
How do you feel being a SCAD student plays into your role as a designer?
I get to be apart of this amazing community that I can bounce ideas off of, lean on for support, and be inspired by
What would you leave as inspiration to other SCAD students that may be pursuing the same work as you?
You don’t have to wait to be perfect to start. Start and get better everyday.
Best, Hannah.
To contact Hannah, you may visit her Instagram page or her website.