Filmmaker watchlist: Sean Lally

Who is Sean Lally and what kind of impact is he making?
Sean Lally is a passionate and hard-working kind-soul, that enjoys the art of filmmaking. He also has a positive and progressive director style that allows everyone’s voices to be heard and values everyone’s input and direction; Similar to the way Disney directors handle the creation of their films: adding on to other’s views and never subtracting what they believe might work.

What inspired you to start your journey into the film industry and what does your career choice say about you?
When I was seven years old, living in California, I would sit in front of the tv in my living room and watch Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt win Oscars. I just thought to myself, these people dream and tell stories for a living and I convinced myself that one day I will do the same. After a few years, I finally decided to make that dream into a reality by pursuing a role as an extra on Tom Cruise’s film, “American Made.” The set experience was astonishing. I toured the entire province and from that day forward I decided to pursue my dream as a director without ever looking back.
The film industry would also describe me as a person that is willing to be separated from the norm and I’m ok with it. My goal is to entertain the few and the masses with compelling stories.

What would say is your strongest work so far and what was is it like to create it?
My director’s debut, “Amplified” is on IMBd. It’s my strongest work because I had the expectation that everything would go right, but in reality, a lot went wrong. I had the opportunity to turn that into a learning experience and acknowledge the hard realities and truths of the film industry.

Do you credit anyone as inspiration for your work?
I give all my credit to my God for every single opportunity I’ve been given. If God hadn’t given me the foundation through his mercy and grace to become a better man, I wouldn’t be able to have grown out of painful situations, dark times and walk humbly amongst so many great people in this world. I don’t take any credit for my success, I give all the glory and praise to my Lord and savior.
If your close friends/ close family could describe you, what kind of person would they say you are?
They would describe me as passionate and driven. Also, motivated by faith and not by pride.

What current platforms are your concepts on?
They are located on my personal Instagram, production Instagram, website, Vimeo and finally YouTube.
What project(s) are you currently working on and what can people look forward to experiencing?
I’m working on a feature film called “Lonesome Town,” starring Christian Brunetti and Leah Hudspeth. It’s an action-pact narrative that pushes the boundaries of heart-throbbing drama and emotional range.
What would you leave as inspiration for SCAD students that may be pursuing the same path as you?
Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly.
…Remember fear is a liar.