This magical illustration was created by fourth-year animation student Anami Hayes. This piece originated as a simple commission for Hayes. The goal was to create a beautifully rendered portrait of
This gorgeous work was illustrated by Victoria Decembert, a fourth-year illustration student. This illustration depicts the "Tree of Life," a visualization of the idea of giving to something, or someone,
This creative and eye-catching illustration was created by third-year animation student, Regina Vera. Vera has been featured on here before for beautiful fan art, and this piece is just an
These spectacular artworks were created by second-year advertising student and our very own PR director Anokhi Dodhia. Dodhia was raised in the beautiful country of Kenya, where she was surrounded
The illustrator of this beautiful portrait is Nick Manning, a second-year animation student. When Manning first created this piece, the purpose was to simply fulfill the expectations of an assignment
This fantastic piece was drawn by third-year illustration student Ernest Brants. Brants was featured on The Connector for a piece that highlighted his creativity in translating his traditional skills in
This colorful illustration was drawn by third year animation student, Chandana Ramesh. Ramesh is someone who is able to find the beauty of the moment. This is clear in this
These beautiful pieces are part of a series by fourth-year illustration student Tia Nagaraj. Nagaraj said she made these artworks to ground herself after dealing with the stress of work.
This gorgeous piece was created by third-year illustration major Christian Cline. Cline is known for creating extremely detailed and creative science fiction illustrations, and this piece is no exception. This
The creative behind this musical homage is fourth-year illustration student Roxy Urquiza Flores. This piece pays tribute to Daft Punk, an electronic music duo that is largely credited for influencing