The Connector
The Connector
Stephanie Dejak
Stephanie Dejak is a third-year writing student from North Carolina with a minor in fashion journalism. Aside from holding the title of Central Elementary School’s three-time spelling bee champ, her talents include living out of suitcases, making authentic guacamole, and serving as the Kim Kardashian of her large family. When it comes to her writing, Stephanie feels most at home when she’s able to put a creative spin on true experiences. Her favorite wine is Sauvignon Blanc, her favorite punctuation mark is the em dash, and her favorite reader is you.

Fiction Spotlight: “Shana Tova” by Stephanie Dejak

The two of them pulled into the driveway of a two-story house with white brick in a cookie cutter neighborhood. The leaves had just started to fall from the maple tree in the front yard, but not enough to hide the perfectly trimmed lawn underneath.
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