Walt Disney Animation Studios Walt Disney Animation Studios is back with their newest animated feature, "Ralph Breaks the Internet." The first sequel Disney has done since "Fantasia 2000," the film
Cygames “Zombie Land Saga” is one of many new anime of the fall 2018 season. It was directed by Munehisa Sakai and produced by Cygames, with animation by studio MAPPA.
Photo by Paras Griffin/Getty Images for MGM Pictures This Thanksgiving weekend marked the release of the newest installment in the beloved "Rocky" franchise, "Creed II." In 2015, Ryan Coogler brought
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios The Thanksgiving season starts with a punch with the newest installment in the "Rocky" franchise, "Creed II," being released Wednesday, Nov. 21. In 2015, "Creed" breathed new life
Graphic by Ashley Stewart Following the end of the quarter will be DreamHack’s second-ever Esports event. Nov. 16-18 at the Georgia World Congress Center will be filled with video games,
"Ralph Breaks the Internet" (Nov. 21) Walt Disney Animation Studios This year's set of Thanksgiving weekend releases are a force to be reckoned with, with Disney's sequel to "Wreck-It-Ralph" (2012)
A24 A24 returns with Jonah Hill's directorial debut, "Mid90s." This coming-of-age story focuses on Stevie (played by Sunny Suljic), a young boy growing up in broken home in Los Angeles during
NBC "The Good Place" was created by Michael Schur, the co-creator of "The Office" — the British version. "The Good Place," starring Ted Danson as Michael and Kristen Bell as Eleanor, is
Courtesy of Adult Swim Ben O'Brien is an interdisciplinary artist and one of the founding members of AB Video Solutions, the production company behind "The Mirror," on IFC, and the
Photo by Mikael Trench Halloween may be over, but the unshakable feel of the season still lingers. This Halloween Eve, the Plaza Theatre added to that feeling with their 2nd