These edgy and cool illustrations were created by the talented fourth-year illustration student, Nicolas Spearman. His work is often inspired by the music he listens to, and this wonderful work
The artist of this piece is the talented Robert "Bobby" Burton. Burton is a fourth-year motion media design student here at SCAD. Burton is a man of multiple talents across
Leilani Perriera is a game development student, so it comes as no surprise that this beautiful illustration is an original character she created for the world-famous game of Dungeons and
TikTok is infamously known for being the easily-accessible platform for creators to make videos, skits and even short films. Of course it is fun to show the world just how
The artist who created this lovely piece of artwork right here is Regina Vera, a 3D animation student. This fan art is based off an alternate universe prompt about her
Photo by Sean Lally. Who is Sean Lally and what kind of impact is he making? Sean Lally is a passionate and hard-working kind-soul, that enjoys the art of filmmaking.
Illustrations by AJ Pratt AJ is an illustration major at SCAD with a love for the fandom world that inspires a lot of his extremely detailed and fantastical art. As
Illustration by Roxy Flores. As we all know, over a year ago, the world came to a standstill and we all had to migrate back indoors to keep ourselves and
By Rebekah Nadolny (ig: @_bekawh_)
By Fangyu Ma (ig: @m_matu_)