Anderson Carman, a fourth-year sequential art student, continues to share his inking technique in the time-lapse video below. The video demonstrates his process from sketch to the finished artwork. [vimeo 216261878 w=640 h=360] Anderson Carman: Inking Timelapse
by Allison Bolt Open Road Integrated Media Author Ken Wheaton visited Ivy Hall April 27 to discuss his body of work and share his experiences with students. Before the reading
By Allison Bolt Illustration by Emily Keniston. "Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change." "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley Freshmen year — words that
Seth Greenwood, a fourth-year animation student, shared some of the work he has done during his time at SCAD Atlanta. When asked what inspires him, Greenwood said, "I am inspired by