Written by Kiki McCalla
New York Fashion Week had returned on February 11th and this year the week long celebration of the up and coming fall fashions was launched by Yeezy Season 3. A spit in the eye of all things fashionable, but seeing as how the fashion industry is more concerned with how many social media followers they have and staying up the Kardashians behinds you can’t really have high hopes. But catty introduction aside let’s get to the point, which is the review.
Imagine jam packing the fashion industry and Hollywood’s finest with the commoners (or general public) into Madison Square Garden and spending half an hour staring at, not a runway, but a giant structure that has models standing motionlessly on top of it. Models that are dressed like they just went through the Hunger Games: Compton edition. And as you watch this useless spectacle you are subjected to Kanye’s newest garbage he calls an album, “Life of Pablo.” Yes, ladies and gentleman a half-hour of essentially an album listening party with a sad creation of distressed clothing called high fashion.
To add insult to injury the event started late. Because, you know, a show as complicated as this had some technical issues. Those technical issues was Kim Kardashian trying to squeeze her surgery galore behind into another bodycon dress and draping her hair in an atrocious platinum blonde wig (because apparently money can’t buy a good weave). But after the Kardashian klan arrived, the show began.
And then you were wishing it was over.
Although, even though it kills me to give this atrocity any kind of praise, I have to give Kayne his dues for having mainly models of color with the diva of divas, Naomi Campbell, leading the bunch. This one show will probably have more models of color than all the other New York shows that came after it combined. As the show came to an end some of the models raised their fists in a show of black power. However considering Kanye’s own slanders against black women and his comment that racism doesn’t exist anymore this display falls flat as nothing more than another conversation starter.
But that is not where it ends. The cherry on top of this ego-parade was one lyric in his song “Famous” that stood out amongst the rest. “I feel like me and Taylor Swift might still have sex. Why? I made that b*tch famous.” For someone who loves his wife so much and truly does think she’s on the Queen Bey’s level (in her plastic dreams) he sure spends a lot of time talking about other women, i.e. Taylor Swift and Amber Rose.
Remember when Yeezy Season 1 debuted and the fashion industry collectively rolled their eyes and you couldn’t find an end to the mountain of negative reviews? Well somehow, somewhere, the fashion industry actually started to take this seriously. It’s things like this that make a lot of people scared for the future of this cut-throat world. There’s going to be a Great Depression of the fashion industry and it’s not going to be pretty. And you bet your Yeezy x Adidas wearing behind that this madness is going to be one of the things dragging it down.