The Connector
The Connector

img_2710The Connector recognizes exemplary photo work produced by SCAD students. This week’s featured photo is by B.F.A. photography student Gaffney Taylor.

Artist statement:
“I’ve always liked photographing a detail about someone’s story. I recently got a tattoo and there was a lot of meaning to it and who I am as a person. When I noticed how many people had tattoos walking around Little Five Points I went up to them and asked to photograph their tattoos. They were very happy to let me and showed them off with pride. I like the tattoo on the woman’s ankle, wearing the orange boots, because it’s feminine, yet a little rough at the same time because of the tattoo’s coloring. It suited the girl’s personality who had the tattoo. ”

Congratulations, Gaffney!

If you would like to have your photo featured, send an email to