The Connector
The Connector

“Shout Out Anthology” is a collection of comics currently being Kickstarted by Toronto-based small-press publisher, TO Comix Press. The anthology features 18 stories from 37 queer creators. Edited by Eisner award-winner Andrew Wheeler, “Shout Out” focuses on queer-genre comics for a young-adult audience. The collection draws attention to the fact that science fiction, fantasy and historical fiction featuring queer protagonists are underrepresented in the young adult comics sphere.

Comic by Angela Cole and Cheryl Young

With work by industry veterans like Kieron Gillen (writer of “the Wicked + the Divine”) as well as previously unpublished cartoonists, “Shout Out Anthology” collects a diverse array of creators to tell a wide variety of stories with a range of lead characters.

Comic by Elodie Chen

“Reading these stories, it’s easy to imagine that we can do anything. That we belong in all places, in all times,” said Joamette Gil.

Comic by Lindsay Smith and Adrienne Valdes

SCAD sequential art alumni Adrienne Valdes, Cheryl Young and Elodie Chen contributed to the book. The Kickstarter can be found here.