The Connector
The Connector
Photo illustration by Tyler Spinosa.

by Shannon Gillespie

I’m thinking of moving to Canada. Unlike many people that have said this in the last few years, my motivation is not based on politics. Though, it would be nice to live in a country whose leader does not rage tweet, what feels like, every day. Nor is my motivation based on a desire to not know what in-network hospitals are, or how much the deductible and cap are thoughout the years. 

My motivation is related to climate because what Canada offers is a real winter. I am aware that not everyone feels the same way I do. Other people would welcome, and even celebrate, spring. 

On Feb. 2, I waited for that little groundhog to say whether winter would be extended or if we’ll be forced into spring. Unfortunately, that little punk said spring and I’m still mad about it.

As if on cue, this week’s weather was miserable! On Feb. 4 I tried to ride with my windows down and was met with such warm, moist air that I had to turn on the air-conditioning in my car. The next day, I felt like I was taunted by the arrival of a show called “Winterwatch” on the British Broadcasting Corporation network (BBC).

I knew about “Springwatch,” and found out that there is even an “Autmunwatch,” but now this? These are all real TV shows that document the seasons — and they just had to start one about winter. The picture they entice you with is of a white rabbit nestled in snow.

Then on Feb. 6, a mechanical buzz came through my house. It took me a minute to recognize the sound — it was the air-conditioning. In February, my house reached a temperature that made the air-conditioning necessary. 

I should be able to remedy the issue by opening a window. But, that isn’t enough when the temperature outside feels the breath of a close-talker you can’t get away from. 

Then, yesterday there was a commercial — snow-covered mountains, a timber lodge and a kid that can’t wait to start snowboarding. It was for Whistler-Blackcomb, a ski resort in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. Being curious, I looked up their weather and it was 11 degrees Fahrenheit. I looked at other places around British Columbia, all of which were below freezing. 

I started thinking about the luxury of not packing up my boots in February after only getting to wear them three times. I thought about scarves, buying a jacket instead of a sweatshirt and snow days that exist because snow is already on the ground and high enough to warrant cancelling things — not just a threat of dusting the roads. That is when I seriously started thinking about moving to Canada.