The Connector
The Connector

By Mandie Rivera

Photo by Josiah Persad.

Kevin Carroll was the keynote speaker for this year’s Out to Launch event at SCADshow. The crowd was warned before he came on stage that their life would be changed, but nobody knew how until he told the audience a story. This story was what made his speech art.

Before he talked, he made sure everyone got acquainted with each other by doing an icebreaker. He had everyone get up and introduce themselves to others around the room, so that they wouldn’t feel uncomfortable. He created a safe environment for his listeners by having a conversation and being transparent with his story. He went on to talk about how a ball changed the atmosphere of his life; a series of events that led him to meet a woman named Ms. Lane who was Carroll’s chief encouragement officer as well as a mother figure in his life.

After talking about his C.E.O., Carroll went back to talking about how playing with a ball can really change the atmosphere of any environment, informal and even formal. He then discussed his accomplishments and how they wouldn’t have happened without this ball. He strongly believes that “everyone needs to play” — a big part of his motivational speech. He also shared the stories of SCAD students he’s influenced, and what they are up to now. He gave advice on proper introductions, mannerisms and selling yourself to an employer — especially while at the Out to Launch event.

Photo by Josiah Persad.

Throughout his presentation, he gave his all both emotionally and physically. Many people that night received gifts from him: his most recommended books, a ball and even some “magic” that he had in a bottle. He wrapped up his speech taking questions from the audience and encouraging the whole group to keep pushing for the future that they want.

Photo by Josiah Persad.

After the presentation, he took the time to talk to students personally, giving them words of encouragement and taking pictures. He also handed out personalized buttons that were only given to the attendees of the event. Whether you got a button or were doused with a bit of magic, nobody left that presentation empty-handed.