The Connector
The Connector
Graphic by Rai Mukherjee.

Award season has been very different over the last year. With the decline in content creation and everything becoming virtual, the whole landscape changed. For fashion, award season was the moment all the clothes seen on the runway would make their debut in the real world through the help of exceptionally dressed celebrities. Red carpets would set hair, beauty, and fashion trends for all of us to emulate at all our different formal events. With the country being vaccinated and getting to a version of normalcy, this year’s Academy Awards was a breath of fresh air and made way for some incredible trends that I think we will be seeing everywhere.

Glam is BACK!

The biggest thing we saw on the red carpet this year was that glam is back and in a very big way. We all have been rocking our “work from home” attire. From matching sweatsuits to wearing the same outfit the whole week, comfort was definitely of utmost importance. As we all go out into the world, I thought we would be easing back into the glamorous looks, but the Oscars said no. Every celebrity went all out with their looks, and each and every single one was showstopping. In the last couple of years, we saw the rise of minimalism, but this year we saw everyone embrace the formality of the event. I also think everyone was just ready to wear something other than glorified pajamas all day.

SOLID Colors

Solid colors were everywhere on the red carpet. Fashion at the Oscars is usually more understated and elegant. You usually see more solid colors than you do on other red carpets, but this year I barely saw any prints at all. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that solid colors mean boring because it was quite the contrary. Solid colors were used to make bold statements that let the silhouettes and textiles do the talking. I, personally, am a huge fan of solid colors and find them very elegant, so I am thrilled to see how this trend takes over the fashion scene in the months to come.

Exaggerated Silhouettes 

Since there were virtually no prints on the red carpet, people distinguished themselves with the unique silhouettes of their dresses. From bold shoulders to intricate cutouts, solid colors were made more interesting with the exceptional innovation of the dresses. I was a huge fan of Regina King’s over-the-top shoulders in her Louis Vuitton gown and the simple cutouts of Zendaya’s Valentino gown. Amanda Seyfried made her statement with the cut of her Armani gown, which was unique and extra in the best way. If you are looking to make a statement with your outfit but are a little scared, this trend is for you. Just wear a solid-colored outfit with some unique details.

I absolutely loved this year’s fashion looks from all the celebrities, and I’m ready for all the other award shows next year. I think all these trends can be incorporated by everyone, and I am excited to see how the fashion community responds to them.