Lautaro Monardo is a third-year visual effects student from Bahía Blanca, Argentina. In addition to being a full-time student, he is also a member of SCAD Atlanta's men's tennis team.
Written and photographed by Chelsea D Henderson Photo by Chelsea D Henderson. My name is Chelsea D Henderson, a second-year photography student. I’m 20-years-old and I’m from Queens, New York
The Connector interviews Ayannah Settle, a second-year film and television student from Los Angeles. Photo by Ayannah Settle. When did you start photography and what does it mean to you?
Written and photographed by Mandie Rivera Photo by Mandie Rivera. You don’t know, the secret life I live. Because you look at me on the outside, not within. Only I
The Connector interviews Amaya Proctor, a second-year film and television student and up-and-coming photographer. Photo by Amaya Proctor. When did you start photography and what does it mean to you?
The Connector interviews Jasmeen Shaqueita, a second-year film and television student and upcoming photographer. Photo by Jasmeen Shaqueita. When did you start photography and what does it mean to you?
Written and photographed by Nina Cammarata I am a third-year photography student at SCAD. I have grown into my photography by practicing and pushing myself conceptually and I want to
Courtesy of CAS. Career and Alumni Success (CAS) invites all students to their second annual job fair at SCAD Atlanta. During the job fair, students are offered opportunities to meet
Written and photographed by Conrad Maxwell-Girod Photo by Conrad Maxwell-Girod. Shooting for SCAD FASH Museum of Fashion + Film this summer was a lot of work and a lot of
Written and photographed by Jacob Zanghi My name is Jacob Zanghi and I am a third-year film and television student at SCAD Atlanta. My online persona is probably a little