Illustration by Fiona Kelly. The concept of taking inspiration from classical art is not anything new. But, ballet's physical and abstract attributes are always things that subconsciously inspire my design
Sketchbook cover in gouache - Winter 2018-2019 For some, sketchbooks are merely a required purchase on a class supply list. Many sketchbooks go unnoticed for their potential — pages ripped
“To travel is the experience of ceasing to be the person you are trying to be, and becoming the person you really are,” said author Paulo Coelho. Traveling is an
Inktober is an annual drawing challenge created by Jake Parker in 2009. Every October, numerous artists all around the world participate in this event and share their artwork. This year,
Gouache paint is a fast-drying, opaque medium that's ideal for on-the-go painting. Among visual development artists, gouache landscape painting is a popular thing to practice light and color harmony while