The Connector
The Connector

Written and photographed by Nina Cammarata

Photo by Nina Cammarata.

I use photography as a distraction. It’s a distraction from what is real in my world and portrays how I wish I was feeling rather than how I actually feel. I collaborate with friends and designers here at SCAD Atlanta and abroad to create other worlds and stories. My friends push me to reach higher heights in my portraiture and encourage me to focus on my work rather focus on whatever I may be going through at the time. I am inspired by details that are overlooked — the big and little things that go unnoticed. 

Another part of my artistic world is wedding photography, and the portraits are always my favorite part. To pose two people in love is sickening and amazing at the same time. To capture any single emotion in an image is a task not to be taken lightly but is so powerful in the end. The color, the clothing, the emotion and the details all drive me in my photography work.